SIFA - Bottom Up Evaluation Step 5

Optional: Create a custom component library, and disable the VHDL defaults. Alternatively, the VHDL defaults may be edited. The component definitions form a critical part of the assumptions made when evaluating a device, and should be carefully documented.

By default, the component definitions imported from the VHDL will have a set of operating modes which describe connectivity that seems reasonable given the declarations in the VHDL. For each component, a default normal mode is provided, and a default faulty mode. These connect the ports according to the following table:

VHDL Port mode SIFA Operating
in in default-fault
in out default-normal
in inout default-normal
out in
out out
out inout
inout in default-fault
inout out default-normal
inout inout default-normal

As such, the component CMP from the running example:

component CMP
        p1,p2 : in STD_LOGIC;
        p3,p4 : out STD_LOGIC
end component;

Has been given the following definition by default (this is from the Modes tab in the CMP view):

[COMPONENT: CMP]p1p2p3p4
p1 default-normal
default-fault default-normal default-normal
p2 default-fault default-normal
default-normal default-normal
p3 default-normal
p4 default-normal

However, this is not how we want the component to behave, so we edit the modes to take on the following form:

This can either be done in-situ, or the CMP component definition disabled, and a new one created elsewhere. Creating the definition elsewhere can help in recycling component definitions for future projects.